BERS performed a remedial investigation (RI) and feasibility study (FS) for US Army Corp of Engineers (USACE), Los Angeles District. This project was a performance-based RI/FS project for two Munitions Remediation Sites (MRSs) under a Formerly Used Defense Site’s Military Munitions Response Program which is located on Bureau of Land Management property. Tasks determined the nature and extent of munitions constituents (MC) as well as munitions and explosives of concern (MEC) at two MRSs—MRS01 (72-acre Charleston Maneuver Area) and MRS02 (1,433-acre Range Complex No. 1), both in Cochise County, AZ. This work involved the inclusion of both state and federal stakeholders in the planning and decision-making process. The RI field activities included digital geophysical mapping, intrusive investigations, inspection of material potentially presenting an explosive hazard (MPPEH), and incremental MC soil sampling on the former artillery and mortar ranges. Based on the results of the RI, a FS was prepared to identify and evaluate potential remedial alternatives for mitigating and/or reducing potential explosives hazards present at the Former Fort Huachuca MRSs.
Following the review of screening levels, risk assessments were performed to determine if there was a potential risk to human health or ecological receptors. Based on the results of MC sampling and risk assessments, it was determined that there has been no release of MC at MRS02.
Major Project Accomplishments
- Intrusively investigated more than 4,000 anomalies
- Performed more than 100 miles of geophysical surveys
- Provided MC sampling
- Performed 100% inspection of debris and MPPEH to determine potential MEC resulting from munitions
- Properly disposed of MEC and MD (approximately 2,000 lbs of material)
- Project was completed with no safety and/or quality control incidents or issues