Haines Fuel Terminal, Sears Creek Station, Tok Fuel Terminal, and Gerstle River Test Site, Environmental Remediation

BERS conducted environmental investigations at four U.S. Army garrison sites across Alaska. Scope of work for this project included remedial investigations, site investigations, underground injection control, and pipeline risk assessments. For the remedial and site investigations, BERS teams characterized the extent and nature of contaminants in soil and groundwater then collected data to assess human health and ecological risk impacts to help establish remediation goals. These objectives were achieved through extensive field screening using an ultra-violet optical screening tool, photoionization detectors, x-ray fluorescence, and passive soil gas modules as well as the installation of numerous soil borings and monitoring wells. 

Across the four sites, BERS teams removed or closed 20 dry wells, two septic systems, a concrete waste pit, six 55-gallon drums of sump and piping sludge, two underground storage tanks, two aboveground storage tanks and associated scrap metal along with more than 26,000 linear feet of piping, 450 tons of petroleum-contaminated soil, and more than 3,200 gallons of contaminated liquid. Upon completion of this project, BERS prepared and submitted a number of environmental and investigation reports defining nature and extent of contamination, estimating risk, calculating cleanup levels, and estimating the volume of contaminated soil remaining at each site.

2014 – 2020



U.S. Army Corp of Engineers

Environmental Remediation

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